The Swedish Logistics Snapshots are unique and widely read. In this article, you find the Logistics Snapshot for Q1, 2022, written by our advisors and research analysts. The Logistics Snapshots are one of the most spread and read reports. The Snapshot highlights the Logistics Investment market overview and the Logistics Occupier market overview.
In this snapshot, you can read that modern logistics stock in Sweden has grown by 271.000 sqm during Q1 2022. Read the key takeaways in the report. Read and download it here:
You can find more Logistics articles and previous Snapshots here >>
For more information about the Logistics Snapshot, please contact:
Research – Amanda Welander
Research - Dzmitry Fando
Advisory & Transaction Services,
Investor Industrial – Christoffer Bladh Nord
Head of I&L, Capital Markets - Emma Angser
Capital Markets – Ludvig Runsten
Valuation – Andreas Eckermann
Read more at about Capital Markets, Valuation (Fastighetsvärdering), A&T Investor Industrial & Logistics, and Research (Fastighetsanalyser).