CBRE Sverige

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CBRE Swedish Multifamily Snapshot Q4 2020

Before closing 2020 CBRE will share the Q4 snapshots for several sectors. Here is the Snapshot for Multifamily, Q4 2020. 

Recently CBRE published the CBRE Swedish Logistics Snapshot for Q4 2020. Now we have published our next Snapshot, covering Multifamily. You can find it below. Next week we will publish the Snapshots for Office and Investment. 

Three Headlines in the Snapshot:

1. Multifamily Key Figures 

Multifamily was the largest segment in terms of transaction volumes in 2020. See the full overview in the Snapshot.

2. The Investment Market during the quarter

A lot of capital continues to be allocated towards the segment. For the year as such, however, the source of capital was predominantly domestic, compared to last year when foreign capital dominated. Read about the major deals in the Snapshot.

3. The Swedish Multifamily Market

Construction starts exceeding completions rolling 12 months for first time in 2 years. Read more about the forecast for residential investments in 2021 and the predictions on longer term.

Download the CBRE Swedish Multifamily Snapshot Q4 2020 below.

For more information about the Multifamily Snapshot or if you would like to book a meeting, please contact:


Research – Amanda Welander

Valuation – Daniel Holmkvist

Capital Markets – Bojan Ticic & Patrik Kallenvret

Read more at about Capital Markets, Valuation and Research.

Download the CBRE Swedish Multifamily Snapshot Q4 2020

Daniel Holmkvist

Daniel Holmkvist

Daniel är Head of Valuation på CBRE Sverige. Han har lång erfarenhet av fastighetsbranschen. Han arbetar med internationella investerare både i Sverige och gränsöverskridande kunder samt svenska lokala investerare, fonder och fastighetsbolag. Medlem av Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) och auktoriserad värderare av Samhällsbyggarna.
Kontaktuppgifter: +46 709-792771

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