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CBRE Swedish Office Market Snapshot Q2 2022

CBRE's Snapshots are our most-read reports. Here you find the Office Snapshot for Q2 2022, presented by Senior Research Analyst, Dzmitry Fando and Director, Advisory and Transaction Services Investor Leasing Office, Kim Grüneberger.

The Snapshot mentions the market trends pre and post the pandemic, the value of a physical office and the largest leasing deal in Sweden. 

You also find the market trends as well as transactions and investments in the office segment. Read more in the report.

Please contact Dzmitry FandoKim Grüneberger or any of their colleagues below with questions or if you would like to book a meeting.

Kontaktuppgifter Office Market-1


Dzmitry Fando & Kim Grüneberger

Dzmitry Fando & Kim Grüneberger

Dzmitry Fando, Senior Research Analyst. Kim Grüneberger, Director A&T Investor Leasing.

Download the CBRE Swedish Office Market Snapshot Q2 2022


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