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CBRE Swedish Office Market Snapshot Q3 2021

CBRE always publishes Snapshots for a variety of segments in the Real Estate Industry. In this article you find the Snapshot for the Office Market in Sweden, presented by Dzmitry Fando and Daniel Jirhäll. 

Prime Rent

Prime Rent in Stockholm CBD has grown by 8% during the first three quarters of 2021. Prime Rent in Stockholm CBD is expected to continue to grow during the fourth quarter and it is expected to reach the pre-Covid level of 8000 SEK / sqm/pa, which was historically the highest level during the first quarter of 2020.

High-speed recovery

The Office market is recovering much faster than expected and brings good incentives for investment and new deals in the office market. 

Stockholm Prime Rent growth is the second largest in the EMEA region after Prime Rent growth in London which is a good motivating factor for investors.

Read more in the Snapshot. You can download it below.

Please contact Daniel Jirhäll or Dzmitry Fando with questions or if you would like to book a meeting with our advisors.

Read more at about Investor Leasing, Capital Markets, Valuation, and Research

Did you miss the previous CBRE Sweden Office Market Snapshot for Q2, 2021?
You find it here>>


Dzmitry Fando & Daniel Jirhäll

Dzmitry Fando & Daniel Jirhäll

Dzmitry Fando är Senior Research Analyst, CBRE Sweden. Dzmitry har mångårig erfarenhet av analysarbete inom fastighetsbranschen. Han har även arbetat med strategisk affärsanalys samt affärsutveckling. Dzmitry har kunskap om olika Business intelligence verktyg. Han är flerspråkig.
Mobil +46 76 899 3252

Daniel är Head of A&T Office Agency, Investor Leasing på CBREs Stockholmskontor. Teamet arbetar som rådgivare gällande uthyrningar. Daniel är väl känd i fastighetsbranschen med 20 års erfarenhet i ledande positioner där han visat imponerande resultat.
Mobil: +46 076 7738339

Download the CBRE Swedish Office Market Snapshot Q3 2021


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