CBRE Sverige

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Sweden Living Market Figures Q4 2024

The living sector was the largest sector in the Swedish market in 2024, with 28% of the total investment. 

Recovery started for residential investment in Sweden in 2024 as investment volumes increased by 132% year-over-year to SEK 39.15 billion. Both domestic and international investors continue to see strong relative value in the Swedish new-built residential market, even though it is hard for international capital to compete with the strong domestic capital base in prime residential products in the key submarkets.  

Read more in the Sweden Living Market Figures report. The report provides an easy-to-digest snapshot for the Living sector, Q4, 2024. 

Please contact us or your advisor at CBRE if you have any questions.


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You find more insights at Sveriges Fastighetsblogg.

Bojan Ticic, Jacob Edin & Jussi Niemistö

Bojan Ticic, Jacob Edin & Jussi Niemistö

Bojan Ticic är Head of Retail på avdelningen Capital Markets.

Jacob Edin arbetar på avdelningen Valuation & Advisory Services med uppdrag inom fastighetsvärdering och fastighetsekonomiska utredningar.

Jussi Niemistö är Head of Research Nordics.

Download Sweden Living Market Figures Q4 2024


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