CBRE Sverige

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Sweden Logistics Market Figures Q3 2023

The leasing activity in the logistics segment continue being low and the average national vacancy rose slightly to 2.7% (2.4% in Q2). This level is still low with local availability differing due to a larger rate of speculative development in specific submarkets reaching the market since the end of 2022 and ahead.

A total of 162,700 sqm modern logistics space is estimated to have been
completed in Sweden in 03. The forecasted completions for 04 2023 are
estimated at 570,000 sqm. However, forecasted completion figures is becoming
increasingly uncertain as developers may postpone development starts.

Download the report below.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Annika Edström

Annika Edström

Annika Edström arbetar inte på CBRE längre. Kontakta gärna våra andra rådgivare och experter.

Download Sweden Logistics Market Snapshot Q3 2023


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